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Ojos del Salado Expedition 2017

Ojos del Salado Expedition 2017

Successful climbing season in Ojos del Salado in the Atacama Desert, the highest volcano of the world. Congratulations for all us mountain partner of our expeditions in Ojos del Salado that can get this magnificent summit. The Ojos Del Salado volcano with 6.893m. is the highest summit across Chile, the second summit in America, and […]

2 Februar, 2017
Arriendo equipo de montaña

Arriendo equipo de montaña

Sabemos que equiparse es costoso, necesita tiempo y experiencia. Te invitamos a conocer el equipo en arriendo de nuestro Rental en el mejor valor del mercado. Podrás encontrar desde sacos de dormir -14° C, carpas 4 estaciones, raquetas de nieve, crampones, piolets, hasta polainas, frontales, cocinillas, ollas. Arrienda , prueba y  conoce tus necesidades particulares para que […]

26 Mai, 2016
Expeditions Report 2015-2016

Expeditions Report 2015-2016

Dear friends. As most of you know, at the end of each season, we send a short report to all members who have gone with us or are about to venture into any of our expeditions. Well, the idea of delivering this report is for you to see the state in which is our small […]

23 Mai, 2016

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